$tags="Tasting"; $descripcion="Zona de degustación para probar y disfrutar de productos de calidad, siguiendo la tradición artesana de la pastelería y ofrecer un servicio esmerado al cliente"; $titulo="Degustar Pasteleria Bomboneria Salado Barcelona"; /* Pasteles Pasteleria Barcelona Bombones Bomboneria Barcelona Degustacion Pasteleria Bomboneria Barcelona Pasteles personalizados a medida Barcelona Pastissos personalitzats a mida Barcelona Catering dulce salado barcelona */ ?>
In Natcha we have an area of tasting where you will be able to taste and enjoy our products..
We have a self-service restaurant of good hot chocolate, coffee, tea, sodas, juices, etc. our staff will serve you whatever you want to eat.
In the premises it is not allowed to smoke, eat or drink products that are not bought in Natcha. Right of admission reserved.
Pets not allowed. The only case allowed by Law is that of the guide dogs that help some blind people (Law 10/1993, of October 8th)